Cellmid 2017 Annual Report
2017 2016
$ $
(a) The major components of income tax expense comprise:
Income tax expense (35,597) (11,045)
(b) Numerical reconciliation of income tax expense to accounting loss:
Loss for year before income tax expense (4,434,539) (3,487,871)
Prima facie tax benefit on loss from ordinary activities before income tax at 30.58%
(2016: 29.89%) (1,356,082) (1,042,630)
Add / (less) tax effect of:
Share based payment 4,925 52,837
Sundry items 96,656 46,743
Research and development expenditure 583,376 562,650
Research and development core technology expenditure - (190,438)
Tax losses not brought to account 635,528 559,793
Income tax expense (35,597) (11,045)
The Group operates across three tax jurisdictions being Australia, Japan and USA each with different corporate tax rates. The
applied tax rate of 30.58% represents the average tax rate applicable to the Group for the financial year ended 30 June 2017.
(c) Unused tax losses
Australia Japan USA Total
Movements in unused tax losses $ $ $ $
Carried forward unused tax losses at the
beginning of the financial year 17,043,489 2,168,282 - 19,211,771
Prior period differences between tax
calculation and income tax return 79,152 - - 79,152
Actual carried forward unused tax losses at
the beginning of the financial year 17,122,641 2,168,282 19,290,923
Current unused tax losses for which no deferred
tax asset has been recognised 2,581,739 (211,213) 547,825 2,918,351
Carried forward unused tax losses at the
end of the financial year 19,704,380 1,957,069 547,825 22,209,274
Notional tax rate 30.00% 34.06% 38.90%
Potential future tax benefit 5,911,314 666,577 213,104 6,790,995